Invisible Ink

 “You will recognize them by their fruits…” – Matthew 7:16

 As you go about your day, think of every action you make and every thought you think. Every thought you think turns into every action you make and every action you make leaves invisible ink on your life that others can see.

The way in which we act represents what we believe about ourselves; it is also the way in which you wish the world would view you. If we are known by our fruits, or, in none biblical language, if we are known by our actions, they how we act toward the world displays the invisible ink we write on our foreheads to tell others.

If we are kind to strangers, but vindictive or manipulative to our families, we are not kind: we are manipulative.

If we are patient with one group of people or things, but not to another, then we are not patient.

If we are not the same in every situation, then that action is not in our character. The best and the worst parts of ourselves are written in invisible ink. We know it in our hearts, even when we don’t want to admit it. The world, although some might say otherswise, is not blind. They are looking for what Christ displayed in the lives of Christians. When they don’t see it in us, then why would they want to become a Christian if our lives haven’t changed because of Him?

The thoughts we think display on our face for all to see – our invisible ink. The actions we make leave marks on where we have been – our invisible ink. We leave an impression on everyone we meet and everything we do. Sometimes that impression guides them to search for Christ, sometimes it leads them to better themselves, and sometimes it makes them wish they had never met us.

When you leave church on Sunday and go to lunch, do you leave a tip? What is that tip? 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%? Are we displaying to the world that Christians give generously to others. Most waitrers and waitresses do not want to work the Sunday lunch shift because they know they will be poorly tipped. Is that the mark that we want to leave with the struggling waiter or waitress? That as Christians and as part of the Church we are not willing to leave a possitive mark on the world be cause we, ourselves, have better uses for our money… like keeping it.

No matter how “good” we are in this life, we are all still sinners (1). We are bound to leave a sour taste in someones mouth, especially  if we love our Lord in a way that disgusts this world (2). But to leave invisible ink of hatred, anger, malice, contempt, gossip, immoral, impure is not to glorify God and it does not edify, or build up, the body of Christ.

What invisible ink will you leave on the world today? Will your inivisible ink be of the fruits of the Spirit (3) or will destruction and hurt lay in your path? What fruits will you leave behind, and, if your life were to end today, what will you be remembered for?

“8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God– 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.” – Ephesians 2: 8-9


1. Romans 3:23

2. Matthew 5:11

3. Galatians 5:22-23

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